Tuesday, May 22, 2007

TMI Tuesday #84

1. What was your first job?

I worked at the Boy Scout Shop. Yes, I was geeky. I know.

2. When did you go to your first funeral?

My friend's dad's funeral in high school. Very awkward. I didn't know how to act.

3. What is the sexiest word in the English dictionary?

Salacious... because it's salacious.

4. Are you left handed or right handed? Which direction does the top of your head lean when you kiss on the lips?

Right-handed. It tip to the right.

5. Males: Which way do you dress?

Interesting statistics there from Google Answers. I buck the trend as I am right-handed, but dress-right.

Bonus (as in optional):Define sexy?

Sexy obviously has a lot to do with physical appearance, but I get turned on by a woman's intellligence. Even if she's a "plain Jane", if she's smart, that is sexy as hell.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


I recently started blogging and discovered memes. They are totally cool, but memes would be totally off the subject of my other blog, so I thought I would start answering them in a new blog. So here is my meme blog.

I don't think I'll be participating in HNT, though. I just don't look good enough.

I started this blog today, my birthday. Looking forward to getting started this week!